Release 94.1: Streams Agent, Consumer Offset Management, and Helm Charts
This major version release from Factor House improves consumer offset management, Kafka Streams telemetry, extra data inspect capabilities and new Helm Charts!
- Advance to Apache Kafka Client v3.9.0 libraries
- Default to Java17 for releases
- Add Kpow Community Helm Charts
- Data inspect improvements:
- Correct format 'very large' Long values in query results
- Add optional 'Window end' to queries
- Add advanced data inspect query options:
- Add ability to specify isolation level=READ_COMMITTED for query
- Add ability to manually reset consumer group pool before invoking a query
- Streams Agent improvements:
- Release version 1.0.0 of the io.factorhouse/kpow-streams-agent library
- Add ability to configure a
- how data written to internal topic should be keyed - Add ability to configure a
- specify which metrics should be sent to Kpow
- Add ability to configure a
- Improve performance of streams agent backend processing
- Improve streams agent overview page: add details about running agents, number of metrics
- Improve streams agent topology metric UIs
- Release version 1.0.0 of the io.factorhouse/kpow-streams-agent library
- Consumer offset management:
- Make UX consistent between 'Workflows' UI and Table actions
- Add new reset method: reset by raw offset
- Improve timestamp UX: show timestamp as local time, UTC and UNIX epoch in UI
- Improve reset offset form UX
- API improvements:
- Add API descriptions to all fields in our OpenAPI 3.0 spec
- Add temporary policies to the Admin API endpoints
- Topic actions: add 'View schema' action to all topic tables
- Accessibility: add decal options to all charts
- Re-add 'Data' quick link tab within 'Topics' panel
- Add new configuration options for Strict-Transport-Security:
- Fix measurement unit in disk graphs